Weed Control in Soybeans

Speaker 1: Soybean fields are a little bit different in western Oklahoma than they are in say eastern Oklahoma, and they also carry different weed problems, too. We’re in northeast Oklahoma right now talking to Joe Armstrong. Joe, what are some of those weed opportunities in northeast Oklahoma that you may not see in western Oklahoma?
Joe: There’s all sorts of different weeds especially in the northeast part of the state. They get a little more moisture up here so things can be a little more aggressive. Morning glory is a big weed problem up in the northeast part of the state, but they also have a lot of the weeds that they fight around the country around Oklahoma, big weeds, marestail, Johnson grass, yellow nutsedge. There’s a whole host of weeds here in northeast Oklahoma as well. The pigweed problem is a little different I think they’re looking at probably more cases of herbicide resistant pigweed up here.
Speaker 1: You mentioned resistance but you’re also finding some resistance in the soybeans also.
Joe: Yeah, there’s several different types of herbicide resistant soybeans available. of course, Roundup Ready or Glyphosate resistant soybeans have been around for a while now. Newer varieties have come out in the last couple of years, the Ignite or Liberty Link soybeans gives farmers an opportunity to use a little different herbicide in there that’s broad spectrum, that can pick up some of those weeds that Glyphosate may be having more problems with. A lot of farmers are also going back to conventional soybeans and using a lot of those old herbicides that they’re used to maybe 10-15 years ago, but using those and having a little bit different marketing opportunity and different weed control options there.
Speaker 1: What are you finding in the studies that you’re doing with those?
Joe: Well, what we’re doing here in particular is looking at some of those conventional herbicide treatments that farmers could use pre-emergence, whether it’s in conventional soybeans or one of the herbicide resistant soybean varieties, the opportunity to use additional herbicide modes of action are very important to help fight off potential resistance development in weeds. In this study here we’re looking at, I think it’s 23 different treatments, looking at pre-emergence herbicides and basically doing some evaluations here trying to see what would fit in northeast Oklahoma and trying to see what kind of weed control we can get from these different products.
Speaker 1: Joe, you talked about some of the pre-emergence, what are some of the benefits of pre-emergence?
Joe: It’s really kind of a multi-tiered set of benefits for a farmer in terms of weed control. First, it would be that when they use those prior planning, they’re going to get improved early season weed control. So that crop is going to have the early advantage against the weeds, whereas if you weren’t using a pre-emergence, they’re both going to be competing for moisture and nutrients, at least early on. Second is that it lets you use a different mode of action in your herbicide program. If you’re relying solely on Glyphosate, chances are you’re fighting some of the same weeds year after year, maybe morning glory or yellow nutsedge where Glyphosate is just a little bit weak on those. If you use a different herbicide in there you’ll be able to pick up an improved control of those weeds.
Then the third benefit would be that the weeds, you’re going to have fewer weeds and also they’ll be growing a little bit slower. So when you do need to come in with that post-emergence application it will give you a little bit more cushion in terms of the timing. Normally we’d like to see weeds sprayed when they’re between four and six inches tall, preferably towards the lower end of that, but with that pre-emergence treatment you’ll have a little slower growth. If you have a lot of acres to cover or you get caught in rainy weather like we’ve had here lately, you’ll have a little more cushion and won’t see that yield drag with the weed and crop competition.
Speaker 1: It’ll buy you a little more time whenever it comes to spraying and controlling your weeds.
Joe: Exactly.
Speaker 1: The man outstanding in his field. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe Armstrong.
Joe: Thank you.
Speaker 1: Thank you.

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