
5 reasons you need to start planting cover crops

Cover crops are a growing trend.

Farmers are finding many benefits from cover crops in their fields and cash crops. Ranging from increased yields to better soil health, farmers have many reasons to plant cover crops.

1. Cover crops help minimize the effects of adverse weather on cash crops

Many surveyed areas were hit hard by last year’s drought, and the use of cover crops in these areas showed even greater yield increases. Farmers who planted cover crops and faced drought conditions experienced an 11 percent increase in yields compared to farmers who did not plant cover crops but faced drought conditions. In terms of soybean fields, farmers who planted cover crops and faced drought conditions experienced a 14.3 percent increase in yield compared to those who did not use cover crops and faced the drought.

2. Planting cover crops can help put needed nutrients back into the soil.

Continuously planting the same crops in your fields year after year is hard on your soil and depletes the soil of nutrients necessary for you to get optimal yields out of your cash crops. Cover crops, especially when remnants are left in the field after harvest, can add needed nutrients back into your soil.

In the chart below, you will find the most common cover crops planted and the nutrients each adds back into the soil.

3. Cover crops can help prevent soil erosion and support soil moisture

In addition to the CTIC’s survey results, they also shared how cover crops prevent soil erosion while supporting greater soil moisture. Cover crops hold the soil in place and protect fields against erosion due to wind and rain.

Afterwards, cover crops that are left to decompose in fields conserve soil moisture by increasing water infiltration and reducing evaporation. At the same time, they are adding organic matter back into the soil.

4. Adding cover crops to your weed management plan can cut spraying costs.

The use of cover crops can assist you with killing weeds in your fields in between your cash crops . CTIC shares that cover crops can serve as a smother crop that competes with weeds for water and nutrients. Additionally, they can provide natural herbicidal effects through their roots to weeds.

5. If you are considering switching to no-till farming, cover crops can help.

According to research from The Ohio State University, in the publication “Using cover crops to convert to no-till” , it can take 7-9 years of no-till farming to produce higher yields than conventional farming because it takes this long to improve soil health.

Cover crops, however, have the ability to “jump-start” no-till farming and prevent the decrease in yields that is associated with the first several years of no-till farming.

Increased yields, protection against adverse weather, trends towards conservation farming and lower input costs are some of the most important influencers for farmers considering the use of cover crops.

Soil health in your fields is an integral part of maintaining high yields from your cash crops.