Banjo Quick Tip – Standard vs Full Port

I’m Matt Wagner, and welcome to Banjo Corporation and to another quick tip from our website. Today we’re going to briefly talk about standard port valves versus full port valves. For easy description, a standard port valve, the

  opening through the ball is smaller than the thread size. In this particular case, I’m holding an inch and a quarter in my hand.

The opening through this ball is less than one and a quarter inches. Full port, the other one that I have here in my hand, the opening through the ball then becomes at least one and a quarter or larger. A really quick way to usually tell on a valve. Full port, you do not see any shoulder inside of the valve straight through.

A standard ported valve there’s typically a shoulder down inside of the valve. Standard port valves have a tendency to be smaller physically than a full port valve. Places that you would want to be very concerned why or where you should use a full port valve intake to a pump, discharge from a pump, you would want to use a full port valve so you can get the optimum utilization out of your pump.